Play in St George Park
Play in St George Park is a community-led project to redevelop the play area within Bristol’s St George Park.
The John Deasy Play Area in St George Park is aged and worn, with equipment already removed that could not be repaired any longer. This much-loved facility is used routinely by the community of BS5, but the few items available to play on means lots of families often need to queue to use them, especially the slide and swings! There’s currently no equipment for children aged 7 -14yrs and so the area stops being used by those families as your child grows past the age of 6yrs. There’s also poor surfacing and poor accessible equipment, further restricting its use.
Bristol City Council maintain the play area but are not able to replace play equipment that are deemed to be ‘end-of-life’ such as these. The investment needed to pay for all the work must be fundraised by the local community!
We have raised £129,000 so far and are close to achieving the first work on the ground, which will happen when we reach £130,000!
Help us to do this:
DONATE Anything you can give helps us! 100% of funds will be used to pay for the renewal of the play area.
VOLUNTEER (email We all have families with small children and jobs, so would love you to join us and help, even if you only have an hour to spare once in a while Please do get in touch, no special skills required, just a desire to help improve our lovely space!
SHARE Like, share and comment on our project on social media and spread the word that we need your help!
The Big Plan
In total we need to raise £257,000 to replace and wholly renew the existing equipment and surfacing at the John Deasy Play Area in St George Park. To do this we have broken this down into two parts to make it easier to achieve.
Part One: £130,000 of funding to renew the area, hopefully achieved by 2023 with work commencing from 2024.
Part Two: £127,000 of additional funding to finish the area, achieved by 2024/2025.